Friday, May 10, 2024 00:06


back on the wagon

EEE!!! I am finally on the right track. Doing the detox for two weeks really showed me how much junk I’ve been putting in my body. I’ve realized there is so much food I really do not need, and how much better things taste when they aren’t all processed. I thought I ate somewhat healthy, at least compared to many I know. However, I obviously wasn’t. I am adding “regular” foods back into my diet in moderation (dairy, wheat, etc.). I plan to watch what I eat much more carefully, and say, not have a piece of cake when it’s birthday time at work. Rather, maybe have a bite, since all I really need is a taste. Or, make a big batch of something at the beginning of the week, so that it is easy to bring a portioned lunch, and not eat the deep fired buffet that is lunch at work. I have also curbed my soda and coffee intake, so I would like to keep up on that.
So, without further ado, here is my update for the week!
Sunday: 3 hours weeding and raking the garden.
Monday: nada
Tuesday 8 minutes Wii fit (it was late, and I only had time to try the new stuff 🙁 )
Wednesday: one hour strength training, forty minutes cardio
Thursday: 30 minutes wii fit
Friday one hour strength training, forty five minutes cardio
Saturday: 30 minutes Wii fit (and I guess you could count the two hours of fancy warm ups we did at rehearsal. Seriously.)
Starting weight:144.5
Current weight: 141.5
Total weight loss: 4 pounds
Total percentage:2.77%
Week percentage:2.75%
New and improved goal: 138 by the end of June, with the reward of getting my Sabbath tattoo
New and improved goal II: 128 by my big birthday, with the reward of getting my Mystery tattoo, and being hotter in my somethingties than ever in my life!!!
The Wii yelled at me for losing weight too fast. I’m not starving, I feel good about my workouts, outside of wishing I were stronger already, and I have more energy than I’ve had in quite a while. So, the Wii can suck it! I don’t know what it will say, though when I want to lose weight and go below the “ideal” BMI even tough it will still be in the “normal” range.

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