Saturday, May 18, 2024 04:55


happy earth day!

Yesterday, Proptart found this kick ass tutorial on line for making take anywhere shopping bags out of old tank tops! We said this would be a perfect project for earth day. Not only would we be repurposing an existing item and giving it a new life, we would also insure that we would have a bag anytime we were out and about, thus negating the need to use evil plastic shopping bags that will sit and sit and sit, or from buying a reusable bag every time because we forgot ours!
Check out our super fantastic handiwork here.
I was only disappointed that my machine was being grouchy and would randomly decide it didn’t want to dig into the fabric. I don’t know if it was unhappy out of its home environment or if I over worked it trying to get it to sew through multiple layers of indoor/outdoor fabric. Methinks she is just way overdue for a tune up. I am hoping she will make it through the last of the current project I am working on, as it is a gift, then she will get serviced. I really, really, really love my machine. She is a Singer that is older than I am, which was purchased from a family friend. She has been reliable in the approximately 13 years she’s been with me, and I really want to have her forever. I see all the “fancy pants” machines that are available, and they just don’t do it for me. I do admit that I also would like a serger, but that’s it. For everything else, my lovely singer does the trick!
In other news of the very old kind, I am in love with Austin Scarlet. Yes, I know he’s so four years ago, but I only saw Project Runway for the first time this evening, whilst sewing Earth Day bags. Mr. Scarlet is adorable! I could eat him with a spoon, or in the very least keep him as a pet, from whom I would borrow fantastic rhinestone necklaces and ascots. Adorable, I say! Also, I am now addicted to PR. I must see it all. Although, I do not have cable, so I may need to schedule gym visits around when the next season is on, and hit the elliptical for the duration.
Have I mentioned he is ADORABLE?

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