Tuesday, May 14, 2024 14:42


fit to be

The usual Saturday fitness recap.
This week kind of sucked, thanks to my back. Monday, I headed home after work, rather than to the gym, as my low back decided it was going to have one of its fits. Boo. I checked my e-mail, and laid down to see if I could get it to calm down before rehearsal. G got me up, and took me to rehearsal only to find out it had been canceled (not altogether, just for me). So, we decided to grab coffee, and check out the small bookstore downstairs. going downstairs was not pleasant, but doable. Going up on the other hand? I was nearly in tears, as the pain from my lower back shot down my right leg. Home and horizontal was the order of things. Tuesday, I was determined to overcome. So, I went to the gym, focused on my abs (as they are a huge part of compensating for my damaged low back), didn’t do any of the exercises I thought would aggravate my back, and for cardio did the recumbent bike. Wednesday, during the day, still some shooting pain, but it cleared up by day end. Thursday, when I hit the gym, things were fine, until I went to do my lower ab exercises. They involve the piece of equipment whose name I do not know, but involves holding myself up with my elbows, and pulling my knees to my chest. I climb up, get settled, and lift, and PAIN! This time in my armpit area. I try to readjust and go again, but it was a no go. This also meant I couldn’t work my sides, as holding the 25 pound weight I use was impossible on my left side, and I thought it silly to only work one side.
So, my week went as follows:
Sunday: Nothing
Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: 45 minutes full body strength, excluding about three or four exercises, 45 minutes bike on cross country, 10 minutes of stretching, focusing on calming low back
Wednesday: 55 minute walk, 4 miles
Thursday: 1 hour full body strength, 30 minutes elliptical on cross train, 10 minutes stretching
Friday: nothing
Saturday: Nothing despite best laid plans
Starting weight: 144.5
Last week: 145.5
This week: 145
Weight loss for week: -.34%
Total weight loss: +.34%
Whilst I am definitely firming up, I need to focus on my eating to really see results. Tomorrow shall involve a trip to the grocery store to stock up on good food for the week, and me cooking while G is at his karaoke show, and getting my lunches and dinners ready for the week. With my crazy schedule, it is all to easy to eat junk.

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