Thursday, May 09, 2024 18:34


i suck at kittie parenting

So, last night I notice that my Crush (my fat orange beastie) was in the litter more than usual. I take notice, but otherwise he was acting completely normal. This morning, however, his royal fatness was quietly lying in bed come breakfast time. Usually, he is mewing before our alarms go off to remind us that it’s time to feed the kitties! Nope. I talked with G later in the day, and he mentions that he fed the beasties, but Crush didn’t come. Anyone who has met Crush knows that Crush doesn’t miss meals. To Crush, there aren’t enough feedings to satisfy him. So, for him to not eat is sort of a big deal. Also, instead of his usual squeaky meow, he was periodically letting out a low, piteous meowl.
When we got home from work, G attempted to put out dinner for them. Again, Crush didn’t eat. He stayed where we found him upon our arrival, on the office carpet. So, G called the vet who told us to bring him right in.
He has stones in his bladder. One was half out, so they pulled it out and he piddled a little. They did an x-ray to indicate that there were more stones. They wanted to stabilize him, and they want to operate, probably tomorrow. Now, I thought when they di the extra snip on his boy bits, essentially making him a girl (there was reconstruction involved), that that was to prevent this from happening. Apparently, there can be a build up of scar tissue, which facilitates blocking. The vet said it could also be something to do with his liver. They would look into the root after surgery, and he will most likely need to be on a permanent special diet.
I want my kitty to be okay, but this is a lot of money we don’t really have right now (and yes, I am aware we should have kittie insurance). I feel terrible, because I am worried it is because he could be depressed (he hasn’t been the same since we put Wishbone down) or because I put him on a diet because I was worried about weight related maladies, or is it something environmental, like something he is ingesting somehow that is causing it.
Anyhow, my baby is at the vet right now with a catheter and lampshade collar and IV. Please send some love and healing his way, and maybe any change you find in the sofa.

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