Tuesday, May 21, 2024 03:49



I never thought I would say that!! However, it is the end of my first week at my new DAY JOB. I still work for the same place, but instead of a completely random schedule, I work M-F 7-3:30. My night owl system still isn’t wanting to wind down at the time I should be in bed, but otherwise, it is going well. I get to be creative now, and don’t have to deal with the customers so much. I think having a set schedule will be good for me. I usually sleep until the last minute no matter when I work, this makes for a more productive day. Plus, I get weekends OFF. And when I am in shows, I no longer have to turn in elaborate availability requests. Yes, it is a sweet deal. However, as my system is not acclimated, I am glad to be done for the week. Of course, I need to get extra sleep this weekend, so as to enjoy Goth Prom to the fullest.
In health news…
So far, so good. While my eating was better, I was at a maintenance level, not at a loss one. Since I am trying to tone up, I realized I need to improve my eating habits to see the results I want. I decided to go back on the South Beach diet. It worked when I need to get rid of those Paxil pounds, is a healthy, sustainable way of eating, and requires little additional work on my part (other than actually preparing food). Basically, in this first two weeks, I do need to be stricter, but it really does work to get me to not crave junk food. I can’t drink any alcohol, and have to say no to breads and pastas…but I am getting some good lean protein, which I normally neglect, and which my body needs to build muscle during my strength workouts. It also forces me to eat more veggies, and I’m eating breakfast and small snacks to keep my metabolism going all day.
It is a little difficult at work when we have a manager who brings goodies every day (doughnuts, brownies, cupcakes, cake, candy…) and when we had our monthly birthday celebration on Wednesday in which cake was served, and when I had to turn down more cake Thursday and Friday for a woman’s birthday who is in my department. However, it is worth it to be healthy and fit. Not to mention not having to suffer the resulting carb coma.
I am doing pretty well on my workouts. I need to focus on my abs more, and work more of my arm muscles. I am spending about two hours a shot at the gym (two 30 minute sets of cardio–which I rotate, strength training, and stretching). I have been able to fairly consistently up all my workouts. I can do harder cardio than when I started, and I can do more weight on many machines. My arms are slowly getting stronger. This one is hard, because in my youth, I could add definition to my arms with very little effort. Now, it takes time and effort. Stupid aging. However, I was able to squeeze out more reps on my arm stuff…and I think I am finally able to see a bit of tricep develop!! I am hoping that additional muscle will help burn the layer of fat that is hiding my progress.
I noticed that my work pants are looser. This is good, because I went up a size from when I started. I couldn’t wear my old pants at all, and the new ones were getting too tight. Now they fit a little loosely. One day I should be back in my old work pants!
I weighed myself on wednesday (when I planned to post this) and came in at 144.5#. That is down 3 pounds from the first time I got brave enough to step on a scale post-recent weight gain.
So far, so good!

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