Thursday, May 16, 2024 19:34


i’m ready for my geek card, mr. demille!

So, I’m rapidly turning into a bona-fide geek. Now, it used to be that I could deny said geekish tendencies. Alas, those days are dwindling.
First of all, while I grew up in a household of two Dr. Who fans, I was able to elude the draw. However, the Dr. Who fan that currently resides in my household has finally lured me in. To be fair, one Christopher Eccleston had a great deal in the luring. Anyhow, I have officially seen all of Series one, and am working my way through series two. I even gave G permission to purchase series one on DVD while it was on sale at Best Buy (it’s even the fancy pants set that looks like a TARDIS!) while he was out purchasing Wow: The Burning Crusade.
Which brings me to point number two. I now have a World of Warcraft Character. He is a Tauren named Rothgarr. It would have been Rothgar, but someone else already had that, or Rathgarrr because the three Rs make it extra piratey, but they don’t allow three of the same letter in a row. So, Rothgarr it is. He is now level three. He has accepted two more quests for next time, and is always ready to throw down in a Tauren dance party. Oh yeah, that’s hot isn’t it?
Finally, we went to a comic shop today. It was sort of a detour between dinner and errands. Anyhow, I have been in comic shops before, so that’s not a big deal. It may have been the first time, however, that I was ready to buy more stuff than G. Well, at least the same amount. I walked out with three comics of my own, and we found the Evil batman figurine for our collection. I also found a delightful gift for a friend (and perhaps, I need one for myself), and a wish list, which I will now add to my amazon wish list. It has also made me realize I need to get back into the artsy craftsy side of my life. There are some really incredible artist out there that create some pretty badass, non-traditional comic stuff that I highly admire. I may need to break out my sketchpad once again…it has been a long while. Oh, and I wasn’t able to get one of the books I wanted, so I am on a hunt to get it, since it’s a back issue. It shouldn’t be a big deal, though.
This has also made me think we need to up the geek factor of our office/guestroom. I think that our Batman figurine collection needs it’s own space, instead being housed in our DVD shelving with the rest of our movie figures. I am pondering the best way to do that. Also, we have some art that desperately needs to be showcased, so I need to figure that out as well.
I knew I was pasty for a reason.

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