Monday, May 13, 2024 15:48


surprises rock….

….good surprises, that is. I came home from my part time job this afternoon, dreading going in to the full time job. I checked the mail on my way in. There were two pieces of junk mail in our box, ready to go in the recycle bin. Then, I spied a package sitting under the box. I head into the house and call G, and tell him there’s a package with his name on it. He tells me not to be dissappointed, that it’s for him, but I can open it and tell him what I think. I open it, telling him I see vinyl….lots of it. He says that it wasn’t the package he thought it would be after all, and it is indeed for me. Hurrah!
The first thing I pulled out was the kicking the habit dress, that he bought me, we realized the size was wayyyyy off since it barely fit my size 0 sister, and he found another in a larger size! It looks like this, except that it’s candy apple red with black accents. It even has a cool multi strand necklacey/rosaryish thing that dangles down the open back….SWEET!
kicking the habit dress.jpg
Then, there was this skirt
achtung skirt.jpg
It fits, but doesn’t look great on me yet. I think by the time we go on vacay, if I manage to follow South Beach until then (I have been eating junk food nonstop, and this works for me to watch what I’m eating, and get back into not wanting junk anymore) and work out (I also need to get into shape so that my Halloween costume is believable and I can reward myself with my tattoo). I have a great top to wear with it (the candy apple cami top G preciously aquired for me) and a nice jacket.
I can’t find a picture anywhere, but G also found me an older Lip Service jacket. It’s funky black fur, with these barbell-looking toggle closures. It looks like it was made from a goth muppet….it rawks! I love autumn anyway….now I have a great jacket to greet it with!!!
Have I ever mentioned that my husband is the best????

One Response to “surprises rock….”

  1. Dagger says:

    That totally rocks hun!! Hope to see these outfits sometime!!!

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