Saturday, May 18, 2024 05:17


…good news…

So, I’m about to go plop on the sofa for a short spring nap. (for some crazy reason I agreed to work a long overnight shift at the old full time job, hence I need a nap) But, I thought I would share a bit of pleasant news.
Monday, I auditioned for The Glass Menagerie. I did my monologue from Journey to the Day and wore a vintage dress that Geoff’s grandmother gave to me. The director seemed impressed by my audition, and proceeded to ask me about conflicts. He asked what part I was interested in, and was pleased to hear me say Laura (I so wanted to be a smart ass and say “Tom. I’m looking to challenge myself as an actor.”) then asked if I could do a southern dialect. I said I could, however, I told told him, a Missouri accent is slight, if any. He told me I was totally on the right page, and seemed pleased that I knew something about dialects. He told me he would definitely be in touch. Later that evening, I got a call from a friend who auditioned for the show on Saturday. He was asked to read again at the end of Monday night. He called me after he read, and asked if I wanted some good news. He proceeded to say that he didn’t want to jinx anything, but that he was talking to the director, and the director said he wanted me to do Laura. Let me tell you, yesterday was tough to get through. I checked my voice mail at every possible moment. It was harder to know that he was considering me…what if he changed his mind?? I came home to a message on my answering machine, I returned the call, and was offered the role!! I don’t know the rest of the cast yet. I am hoping my friend is in it…we would have so much fun! (Now that I know what I got, I am nervous for him…he has to wait a couple more days, because the director wanted more time to cast the men.) I guess I just want a strong cast. The theatre is lovely, and the set that was up for the current show was beautiful…so I’m guessing that as long as our cast kicks ass…we should be good to go.
Whew…now I can breathe a bit. I also don’t feel like such an ass for researching Missouri dialects and “pleurosis” (more commonly known as pleurisy). Now, I am listening to dialects from Missouri, and once I’m done re-reading Little Women (it’s a long story), I am going to get cracking on my lines. I feel like Laura is so different from me, and I really want to get her right…and not seem like a limping jackass…so I want to get the lines down so I can really focus on character.
Ugh…I am sleepy. I’ll write more when I am more awake…

2 Responses to “…good news…”

  1. Nina says:

    Fabulous news! When does the show run? Maybe Dad can plan his trips to see you do the show. How I wish I could be there too, but I have to save my vacation days for the trip to France. Love you, Babe. Florida Mom

  2. Raven says:

    Thanks!! It runs from June 15th through July 1st. I totally hear you about saving vacation days. I feel like I get plenty, but want to make sure I don’t piddle them away, and not have them when I need them.
    Love you too!

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