Saturday, May 18, 2024 22:31


trip on the dork side…

yeah, so this is only, like, a week late…but when have I concerned myself with timeliness here?
I was one of those dorks at the 12:01 showing of Revenge of the Sith. It was the best of the new trilogy. The romantic dialogue was still laughable, and there was not enough wookie action…but ya can’t have everything.
I can’t believe that it has already been six years since Ep 1 was released. G and I weren’t really a couple yet. He invited me to the 12:01 showing, he told me there were a bunch of people going…no big deal. However, it felt a lot like he thought we were going on a date. he swears it was totally just as friends, however, apparently the other 10 people we went with thought we were on a date. I guess it all worked out either way. So, to bring everything full circle I wore the same outfit I wore to the ep one showing. G had even remembered what I was wearing. (wasn’t a date eh??) Unlike that showing six years ago, we did not hustle over to the Mall of America for a 3:20 showing. So, I’ve only seen episode 3 once thus far. I have a feeling that unless it comes out in Imax, I won’t see it again until the first of the DVD releases. There are just too many great movies coming out this summer that I need to see first.
Anyhoo, good flick, and I got to see it with my sweetie.

One Response to “trip on the dork side…”

  1. trip says:


    trip planning

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