Saturday, May 18, 2024 08:36


More turkey, Mr. Chandler?

Imagine you are reading this in November. Imagine that I didn’t wait until the leftovers were polished or stored.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving, considering it was our first without heading to someone else’s place to celebrate. We decided to make it an all day event, starting with brunch, and continuing to dinner. We had a small turnout, but that’s fine…it kept the stress level low. No panic attacks, since we were ready in time. Although, I do have to admit, I was finishing making the placemats while watching the parade on TV. In my defense, it was because I had worked 8 days straight and T-day was my first day off.
Anyway, brunch was simple…bagels, cream cheese, mimosas, fruit. Bernie and Tanja showed up with homemade caramel pecan rolls (so yummy! Thanks guys!). Then, LaLa had to show up with one-hundred euros (I had to spell that out) worth of french desserts and pastries from the Sofitel. That translates into $118 dollars worth. To clarify, she’s a travel agent, and used a gift certificate she earned. They were amazing…beautiful tiramisus, creme brulee, berry tarts, a berry torte, cream puffs, some sort of mousey cakey things…drool. If I would have known…that would have been all we had. I could have easily spent the day gorging on them. I wish I would have thought to take a picture of them…they were gorgeous. Thanks LaLa! We made Turkey, cranberry sauce (real stuff, not from a can), mashed potatoes, maple-vanilla-clove sweet potatoes, BIL brought stuffing, rolls and we baked a pumpkin pie.
Everyone always asks why we bothered with a pie, when we had all those wonderful desserts. Well, G needs his traditional pumpkin pie. LaLa has a STRONG aversion to all things pumpkin. Hence, we had to provide the pumpkin treat. Las did have to take some home to her hubby. I hope he liked it!
We ended the night by watching Love Actually. If you haven’t seen the movie…see it. Makes me cry like a little baby, repeatedly, every time. So, so good. And lots of eye candy.
It was a good day, and I was very proud of making most of a Thanksgiving dinner, mostly from scratch. I even had a pretty table, used our good crystal for the first time since we received it, and had everything in pretty serving dishes. I felt so Martha Stewart.
The day after Thanksgiving, I had grand delusions of getting up and out by 6 in the morning to go get a scrapbooking tote for half off. We instead got up at the crack of three. In the afternoon. We didn’t leave the house until it was time to go to our friends’ wine and cheese party. It was a nice little get together, and for the second day in a row, I ate wayyyy too much. It was good though. Well worth it.
On Sunday, I went back on Phase One. I’ve put a few pounds on, which since I hadn’t hit my goal weight, I was pissy. That, and I still have one pair of pants in my closet that I can’t quite wear yet. So, I am plugging away. Less than one week left. I am also hitting the gym again. My problem area is my legs and butt, so I am looking to work those a little extra. That is so hard for me, since when I work my upper body, I see results right away. It takes forever to see anything on my lower body, so I tend to give up on it. I have to not do that. I want to be able to, at least once, walk into Ground Zero in as little as the girl who runs the bondage show or the one dancer who can get away with wearing a thong and look fabulous. I could get away with it with my trusty danskin fishnets that seem to camo everything, but that just seems like cheating, you know? At least I can look back on where I was at this time last year (standing outside Lane Bryant at THE mall and realizing that while plenty of people shop there, and they have lovely clothes, I would rather stand there in my too tight sweats than go in, not to mention the fact that I had zero energy, and zero self esteem at that point), and know that I will never be in that place again.
Whew…that was much longer than I intended. I am way behind on my day, and have a long list ahead of me. I am going to finish my Hot Topic wish list (not that that’s a hint or anything) and get cracking on that pile of laundry that is once again taking over the house.

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