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Archive for the ‘Linked’ Category

linked: ring, ring, ring, ring, ring

Monday, February 17th, 2014

It seems most of my free time of late has been split between watching the Winter Olympics and reading. I’ve still managed to find some interesting things around the interwebs…even though some of it is still Olympic related. I’ll try to mix them up today to really stretch the Olympic magic.

I’ll begin with a peek at one of my favorite people of all time, and whom I would love to be when I grow up, Tilda Swinton. She marches to the beat of her own drum, and manages to look fantastic doing it!

It turns out that the disciplined Evgenie Plushenko, famed Russian figure skater, has a wife that, um, maybe doesn’t march to the beat of any drum. She stirred up some drama at the Olympics, only loosely related to her husband. You will want to take the link in the article to see her banner. The description of it just doesn’t do it justice.

Speaking of stirring things up, it turns out George Clooney is quite the prankster. Does he take it too far, or just far enough?

My beloved Johnny Weir and I have even more in common than I thought! I’m glad I’m not the only one who keeps a perfect mental record of what I wear, needs to have a debut of my new things, and doesn’t want to repeat at events. Come have a drink with me, Johnny!

So often on the internet, whether it’s on pinterest or blogs, I see people redo furniture. While most people applud or repin these redos, many of them seem to just be for the sake of redoing a piece of furniture. The pieces aren’t necessarily improved, and the person doesn’t always save money over just buying what they really wanted. However, this redo is amazing! I must find a rusty metal cabinet of my own to make magic with!

I’ve long been a fan of Chuck Close. His work is impressive and fascinating. His words on inspiration versus hard work in creating art is so motivating!

Finally, an epic Olympic moment was recreated. Torvill and Dean, who made history on ice with their scores in the 1984 winter Olympics in Sarajevo recently performed their famous “Bolero” routine in the arena where they first performed. This piece is perhaps my all time favorite ice routine. Though it would break the rules of ice dancing competition today, it is still stunning 30 years later.

Have a golden week, friends!! xoxox

linked: apres ski

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

This Monday hit me like a freight train! My introduction to snowboarding yesterday has left me sleepy and sore. Luckily, there are lots of links to distract me!

I am a little obsessed with American Horror Story. This list of sites to see from the latest installment has my vacation planning gears turning!

My grandparents had a reprint of a Sears catalog from the 1920s. I was so fascinated by it, and would find it whenever I went for a visit to look at all the great things from days gone by. Hence, this shopping list based on a Victorian era Sears catalog kind of caught my eye.

I love looking at book cover art anyway, but these side-by-side comparisons of UK vs. US cover art are even more amazing. I think some have a clear winner in my mind, but some are a toss up.

Olympic fever is hitting me hard! Mental Floss rounded up all the countries that have only a single representative in the winter games. There are more than you might think!

This response from a pediatrician for why you should vaccinate your children is fantastic. If I had children of the two-legged variety, I would take them to her.

Finally, a little bit of a heartbreaker. This story about a child who is fighting for life after a suicide attempt over bullying about his bronyhood moved me to tears. Our differences make this world interesting. You can disagree on interests without being cruel.

Hope this Monday is treating you well! xoxox

linked: olympic rings

Monday, January 27th, 2014

THE OLYMPICS ARE ALMOST HERE! I love the Olympics. I used to be all about the summer games, and outside of figure skating I paid little attention to the winter games. Now it’s almost the other way around. I will be glued to my television in all my spare time from opening ceremonies on. In preparation, I’ve been gathering some Olympic inspiration. Consider it your warm-up!

Of course, a large part of the Olympics is the fashion, particularly figure skating costumes. Over at NPR, check out the history of the look of the sport.

On the topic of figure skating, here are 9 scandals that rocked the skating world.

Of course, skaters are the only ones at the center of attention. Thanks to Norway, everyone wants some fabulous curling pants!

In the spirit of international sportsmanship, let’s look at the flags of many countries, as depicted by their food.

Of course, not everything is all-Olympics-all-the-time. I found this tumblr dedicated to recycled film and television costumes fascinating.

In other costuming news, the Fug Girls got to interview the costumer for Sleepy Hollow! Check out the dish here and here.

Since I have the cutest rat on the planet, lots of friends have steered me toward images of adorable rats with stuffed animals and props. I was planning to capture lots of shots of my ratter, but she is not as complacent as these seem to be!

I was impressed with the way Laverne Cox handled some awkward questions from Katie Couric.

You may know how I feel about Dove’s beauty campaigns. They are insidious, and I am not the only one who thinks so.

On the homefront, Flavorwire exposes secret passageways and rooms in regular homes!

A spooky “slightly haunted” home is for sale in Philly. I would take it!

On a more serious note, particularly since there have been some fires around here lately, Apartment Therapy offers some home fire safety tips. On a side note, make sure your home or renter’s insurance is up-to-date!

Back to a lighter note, The Huffington Post ranks the top ten cat names of 2013. Did yours make the list? Ours didn’t, not surprisingly!

Finally, check out every cocktail bar menu, ever.

Happy Monday! xoxoxox

linked: seaweed, who knew?

Monday, January 20th, 2014

If you’ve ever been lost in a good book, you might appreciate these floor plans of homes and buildings from classic literature.

This place is in the real world, but might be just as impossible for me to own as those above. I might be just a little obsessed with Iris Apfel’s stunning home.

I tend to be intrigued by all things old-timey, but I was a little baffled by the collecting of seaweed. Until I read this article. Who knew seaweed was so lovely?

I rather stumbled on to the historic preservation website by accident. Now, I could spend eons looking at which buildings they are trying to preserve, what they are fighting against for each one, the successes, and the unfortunates that are lost. Get started with the top eleven sites they are working on. Among the lost, I found this hospital especially stunning, particularly in the hands of a talented photographer. It is a little sad that people don’t deem different styles of architecture worth preserving. I hope that changes, so we have an interesting and varied landscape in our cities going forward.

This map of how much pollution various cities create each year was enlightening. It goes to show the power of mass transit!

I don’t always read The Blogess, but I think we are rather similar. At least, our conversations with our husbands seem to be rather similar, though I think my husband sighs and shakes his head a skosh more.

Bill Cunningham does amazing work anyway, but his new exhibition looks especially incredible!

Finally, just a little something I’m coveting right now. A friend shared this with me, and now I am counting down the moments until I can purchase one…or two.

Happy Monday! I hope this new week treats you well.

linked: apologetic edition

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Sorry about the lack of links today. We had a death in the family, and I’m in a bit of a funk. I should be back with lots of links next week!!


linked: good-bye 2013!

Monday, December 30th, 2013

I was debating whether I should post or not, as this last week around the internet has been slow. Nearly everyone is on vacation, and those who aren’t are re-posting things from the past year. Also, due to the holidays, I have been surfing just a bit less.

However, if I can only manage two consistent posts a week, I should at least bang out one last linked!! So, here is a wee bit of linkage for you to send off 2013. Here’s to a bigger, better, more amazing year in 2014!!

It may be that part of why I haven’t been surfing so much, is because I found this photo blog and I just. Can’t. Look. Away. It goes to show that not everyone can stage a property, nor take proper photographs. Note: Do not view while taking a drink.

A friend shared this, lamenting the loss of grammar over the years. As someone over 30, I was sure I would agree with the list of things people my age shouldn’t say. I agreed with a couple, as making polysyllabic words monosyllabic drives me cray-cray. (Unless you are Malcolm McDowell, or James Earl Jones.) From the last part of that statement, you may guess I don’t agree with them all!

Also from Huff-Po, a different friend pointed out that an organization is looking to set up a writer in a house in Detroit. The hope is to set up a writer in a home where they can focus on writing, and in turn get people living in Detroit. As someone who grew up in the Detroit metro, and grew up visiting my grandfather there (until we had to move him out of his house after the third time he was carjacked in his own driveway), I love the idea, but just don’t think it’s enough.

So yeah, there it is. One last linked for the year. See you next year. Party hard, party safe, friends. xoxox

linked: hot thoughts for cold times

Monday, December 23rd, 2013

So, partway through last week, I realized I forgot to post links last Monday! I don’t know how it slipped my mind, the links were hanging out there ready to go. Because of my brain fart, you get double the link action today! Consider it my Christmas gift to you. xoxox

If you are a vintage clothing lover like I am, this list of tips from Style Rookie, Tavi, might be of use. I’ve been fortunate with my vintage collection, but her tips include things I do already. If you aren’t already cautious with your vintage wearables, give this a read!

No matter how cold it is where you are, this slideshow of hot guys in warm sweaters will keep you cozy. I appreciate the span of eras from which the hot guys come from, so you should definitely head over and take a look. There is something for everyone!!

While this piece of advice from Carolyn Hax is speaking to weight obsessed family, I think “I don’t recall” might just be the best piece of advice for nosy folks all around!

I am committed to finding some terrible black velvet paintings for my terrible art collection. After reading this piece on the typically tacky paintings, I discovered there are some true works of art out there on this lustrous textile.

I was wholly unfamiliar with the tradition of Temari before reading this piece. I am totally fascinated now, and am trying to wrap my head around how these stunning orbs are created.

I’ve always sided with Martha, and this is no exception.

Finally, I feel a little vindicated in keeping my liquor cabinet fully stocked. Behold, the healing ability of cocktails!!!

Are you as addicted to Sleepy Hollow as we are? Tom Mison is so pretty, they could do just about anything with the show and I might still be addicted. Luckily, the show is really great on top of his lovely looks. This behind-the-scenes look into the writing of the show, focusing on the scene known as “Farewell, Yolanda” is brilliant.

Speaking of “Farewell, Yolanda,” over at i09, a list of both the best and worst moments from this year in television was compiled. Warning, there may be spoilers if you aren’t 100% caught up with your watching. I agree with most of the lists, and appreciated that there were some gems that are often overlooked. I didn’t agree with the last item, because it gave such a lovely closing shot to the show!!

linked: merry weird christmas!

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Christmas is creeping ever closer! It’s been an odd season, I think because this year Hanakkuh was more intertwined with Thanksgiving than Christmas. Anyway, it’s a festive time, and there are lots of goodies out there I just have to share!!

I love this list from Mental Floss of widely known facts, proved by science!

Normally, I find gift guides disappointing. They are often either out-of-touch with regular folk, or the items don’t jive with the intended market. However, I do adore this Goth Girl gift guide. The items are all elegant and chic, and not stereotypical. (Also, for this semi-goth girl this may or may not be a hint. Hint…hint…)

I am fascinated by old-timey hair jewelry. It satisfies all the components for things I love…old-timey, quirky, darkly fascinating…
So this tutorial for Victorian-inspired hair jewelry from Style Rookie is super rad! (Now taking volunteers for offering locks of hair!)

I thought this piece on people who are always on time was pretty interesting. It was relatively recently that I read an article on tendencies that late people had, and I looked for those behaviors in my life so I can be better at punctuality. Reading similar things in the opposite context was super helpful!!

Finally, the weird Christmas moment of Zen. If you are not familiar with the Kardashian Christmas card, you should be. I don’t care one way or the other about the Kardashians ordinarily, but man, they put together the most ridiculous holiday cards, year after year. It’s so surreal, and kind of hilarious. I think this year’s card really takes the cake for absurdity. So click on over to Go Fug Yourself, and check it out!

Happy Monday, friends!!! xoxox

linked: strangely beautiful

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

A lot of the links today made me think of a dear friend’s book, The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker. Sadly, it is out of print at the moment, but it should be back in print soon! When it is, I will surely link it here. Until then, onto some other strangely beautiful links, and other amusing items.

First, a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Somehow, people often have no problem asking someone to write (or create whatever other form of art) for free. This piece looks at this phenomenon, and how problematic it is.

A look at The Addams Family home in color! It is just as gorgeous in color, and I still maybe dream of living there.

I am enamoured with this abandoned train station. I’ve certainly not seen anything quite like it stateside.

A man bought thousands of undeveloped negatives, and developed them to find gorgeous photographs that revealed stories of days gone by. I am fascinated, and must know more!!!

I have long had a fascination of old timey medical institutions and asylums. While they often had specific layouts for their functions, the architecture was largely indicative of the time. In recent years, facilities are more about function and sterility. These abandoned asylums are stunning, and I would love to save them and make them the coolest residences ever…surely there must be some like-minded weirdos out there!

I’ve found my new favorite grocery store!!

Also from Lucid, Inc., images from a church now filled with plants and flowers. It’s ethereal, and magical, and unusual!

I know I’m always up to expand my vocabulary, so I loved this piece from Mental Floss chock full of Victorian slang to bring back!!

Finally, for your entertainment, this Buzzfeed list (in gif form) of background actors who have no clue what they are doing. Some are less background than others, but there is some comedy gold there!

linked: yeah, i can relate

Monday, November 25th, 2013

Hmmm…so between overbooking myself, and my narcolepsy going into overdrive, it seems I didn’t do so much on the internet surfing front. However, I did find a few gems that I am eager to share!

First, I loved this piece on Apartment Therapy about giving secondhand toys as gifts. I think it’s easily transferred to things for grown-ups, too. There are many objects out there that get purchased and cast aside before the new-item smell has worn off. In fact, I gave a secondhand gift this weekend for a wedding shower. It was a collection of vintage glassware that just made me think of this couple. I was worried they and/or the shower guests would think it was weird or tacky, but the couple loved it! It gave some things a second life, it made some people happy, and it kept some stuff from going into the landfill. Win-win-win!

I recently shared a link to Nubby Twiglet hugging a koala. She posted a whole piece on this magical place where one can hug koalas! I must go to there!!

Finally, I could relate to this person who feels slighted over an old job. I can hold a mean grudge, and I often judge myself too harshly. I think I can try to learn to let some things go.

Happy Monday, friends!