Thursday, April 18, 2024 01:04



I am not outdoorsy. Some of you know that, the rest are shocked, I’m sure. Whether or not I had a place to do it, I wouldn’t grill. I will happily eat food others grill for me, but I am not firing up the ol’ BBQ anytime soon. I do, however, have a Foreman. A decent sized one. I could cook up FOUR meaty hamburgers if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I do like it for grilling fish (the only meat I can eat, though I feel guilty as hell about it) because I am lazy and not crazy about cooking. All that is to say that I had a flash of genius tonight. My fish was cooking, and I started to prep my veggies and I realized I could GRILL them. You know, like people who GRILL do. So, I am counting this as my first BBQ of the season.

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